Dr. Fasihi , Mohammad

 | Post date: 2013/06/8 | 


  Dr. Fasihi, Mohammad

  Present Position: Assistant Professor

  Department : Chemical Engineering

  Ph.D Tel: 2769

  E_mail: mfasihi[AT]iust.ac.ir


  Education and Qualifications

  i) University Degrees

  - PH.D. Polymer Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2013.

  - M.SC. : Polymer Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2007.

  - B.SC. : Polymer Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2004.


  ii) Sellected Short Course Certificates


  - Sabatical leave, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, Feb.2013-Aug.2013.


  •   - Assistant Professor, School of Chemical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Since May 2013.
  •   - Head of Technology of Polymer Research Group, Iranian Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR), 2007-2008 .
  •   - R&D expert, NIPCO Company, 2005-2007.
  •   - R&D expert, Tecsaco Company, 2004-2005.


  Teaching experiences:

  •   Physical Chemistry, Undergraduate level, School of Chemical Engineering, IUST.
  •   Rheology of Polymers, Graduate Level, School of Chemical Engineering, IUST.
  •   Polymer Processing, Graduate Level, School of Chemical Engineering, IUST.
  •   Polymers: Properties, Application and Processing, Graduate Level, School of Mechanical Engineering, IUST.


  Selected Written Works

  ISI papers:

  1.   Mohammad Fasihi , Hamid Garmabi, “Evaluation and Optimization of Mechanical Properties of Highly Filled PVC/ Wood Flour Composites Using Experimental Design” Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 17, 112-119 (2011).
  2.     Mohammad Fasihi , Mohammad Reza Abolghasemi, “Oxygen Barrier and Mechanical Properties of Masterbatch-Based PA6/Nanoclay Composite Films”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 125, E2–E8 (2012).
  3.     Mohammad Poostforush, Mohammad Al-Mamun, Mohammad Fasihi, “Investigation of Physical and Mechanical Properties of High Density Polyethylene/Wood Flour Composite Foams”, Research Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2, 15-20 (2013).
  4.     Mohammad Fasihi , Hamid Garmabi, Seyed Reza Ghaffarian, Masahiro Ohshima , “Preparation of Highly Dispers ed Expanded Graphit e/Polypropylene Nanocomposites via Low Temperature Processing”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science , 130, 1834–1839, (2013)
  5.     Mohammad Reza Raiisi-Nia, Ahmad Aref-Azar, Mohammad Fasihi,” Acrylonitrile–butadiene rubber functionalization for the toughening modification of recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate)”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science ,131, 4048, ( 2014 )
  6.     Mohammad Fasihi , Hamid Garmabi, Seyed Reza Ghaffarian, Masahiro Ohshima, “A Comparative Study on Thermo-mechanical and Rheological Characteristics of Graphite/PP Nanocomposites: Highlighting the Role of Mixing”, Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 21, 12-17, (2015)

    Conference Attendance

  1.     Mohammad Fasihi , Hamid Garmabi, “Effect of Different Coupling Agents on The Mechanical Properties of Highly Filled PVC/WF Composites”,9 th International Symposium on Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Shanghai ,China, October 2007.
  2.    Mohammad Fasihi , Hamid Garmabi , "Optimization of the Mechanical Properties of Highly Filled PVC/WF Composites” , 9 th International Symposium on Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Shanghai ,China, October 2007.
  3.     Mohammad Fasihi , Mohammad Reza Abolghasemi, Effect of Order of Mixing on Morphology, Gas Permeability and Mechanical Properties of Nylon 6 Nanocomposite Films”, The 2nd International Conference on Nanomechanics and Nanocomposites, (ICNN2010), Beijing, China, October 2010 .
  4.     SaeedRoshanravan, Hamid Garmabi, Mohammad Fasihi, “Investigation on Nanostructure and Mechanical Properties of PVC/NanoClay/NanoCaCO3 Hybrid Nanocomposite”, PPS2011, Iran, Kish Island, November 2011.
  5.     Mohammad Fasihi , Hamid Garmabi, Seyed Reza Ghaffarian, Masahiro Ohshima, “Highly Dispersed Graphite/PP Nanocomposite Prepared via Novel Method of Mixing”, ISPST2012, Iran, Tehran, October 2012.
  6.     Mahmood M. Shokrieh , HamedOlia, Mohammad Fasihi, “Designing and manufacturing of an Intumescent Fire Retardant Coating System for Polymer Composites” , The Bi-Annual International Conference on Experimental Solid Mechanics and Dynamics (X-Mech-2014) , Tehran, Iran, February , 2014.
  7.     Mohammad Fasihi , Hamid Garmabi, Masahiro Ohshima, “ Effect of expanded graphite particle size on the morphology and properties of linear polypropylene nanocomposite foams ”, ISPST2014, Iran, Tehran, October 2014.
  8.   HosseinMansouri, Mohammad Fasihi, , “ Influence of ethylene and propylene based elastomer on stucture and mechanical properties of isotactic polypropylene ”, ISPST2014, Iran, Tehran, October 2014.

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