Dr. Assareh, M.

 | Post date: 2014/03/4 | 


            Academic Rank : Assistant

            Major :Petroleum Processing



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            E-mail: assarehm[at]iust.ac.ir

Personal Information 

University Degrees
  • Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 2008-2013
  • M.Sc. in Petroleum Reservoir Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 2006-2008
  • B.Sc. in Petroleum reservoir engineering, Petroleum University of Technology, Ahwaz, Iran, 2001-2005
Other educations
  • Ph.D. visiting studentship, Montan University of Leoben, Austria
  • Compositional reservoir simulation, Heinemann Oil GmbH
  • Fluid flow simulation in fractured reservoir, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry
  • Advanced practical reservoir simulation, Sharif University of Technology
  • PVT laboratory systems training, Sharif University of Technology
Area of interest and experienced work
  • Compositional reservoir simulation, black oil, fractured reservoir simulation
  • Fluid phase behavior, modeling, and experiments (PVT cell and Slim tube), thermodynamics of hydrocarbon
  • Practical implementation of control-volume finite element and control volume finite difference discretization in the problem involving flow through porous media.
  • Reservoir simulator software development (developed different options in commercial and non-commercial reservoir simulators (including diffusion, multiphase equilibrium, miscibility options, black oil PVT handling, well management) (programming language FORTRAN, C#, MATLAB)
  • lectures accompanied with programing of scientific codes regarding numerical simulation of two phases, three phase, black oil, and compositional models.
Team Management and Software Development
  • for asphaltene precipitation and deposition from the reservoir fluid
  • Team management and software development for detailed screening and optimization of EOR processes
  • Team management and software development for scale precipitation from formation water
  • Team management and software development for wax precipitation from the reservoir fluid
Honors Awards
  • First rank professor in educational excellence, School of Chemical Engineering, Petroleum and Natural gas, Iran University of Science and Technology
  • Scholarship: National Elite Foundation, 2014-2015
  • First rank: Ph.D. entrance examination
  • First rank: high school, National Organization for Talented Students
Collaboration with scientific journals
  • Reviewer (Distinguished reviewer): Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology. Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, Tehran, Iran.
  • Reviewer: Petroleum Research, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, Tehran, Iran.
  • Reviewer: Engineering Education Journal, National Academy of Science. Tehran, Iran.
  • Reviewer: Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
  • Reviewer: Ingeniería y Ciencia
  • Reviewer (Distinguished reviewer): Fluid Phase Equilibria
  • Reviewer: Computational Geoscience
  • Reviewer: Natural Resources Research
  • Reviewer: Industrial Engineering Chemistry
  • Reviewer: Fuel and Energy
  • Reviewer: SPE Journal
  • Reviewer: SPE Reservoir Evaluation
  • Assistant professor, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2013 onward
  • Hydrocarbon thermodynamics and compositional simulation consultant, Heinemann Oil GmbH, Austria, 2011-2012
  • Reservoir engineer, Heinemann Oil GmbH, 2011, Leoben Austria
  • Reservoir engineer, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, 2009-2011
  • Reservoir fluid phase behavior, teaching assistant 2007-2012 (each year two semesters)
  • Reservoir fluid phase behavior, graduate level
  • Fractured reservoir engineering, graduate level
  • Advanced reservoir simulation, graduate level
  • Fluid flow through porous media, graduate level
  • Reservoir fluid phase behavior, undergraduate level
  • Reservoir simulation training courses for petroleum industry
  • Enhanced oil recovery, graduate level
  • Fundamental of reservoir engineering, undergraduate level
  • Thermodynamic II, undergraduate level
  • Thermodynamic I, undergraduate level
  • Advanced thermodynamic, graduate level
  • Thermodynamic modeling of special systems, graduate level
  • Ph.D. Thesis: Development of an object-oriented framework for compositional reservoir simulation with dynamic component retrieval: Mehdi Assareh under supervision of Cyrus Ghotbi and Mahmoodreza Pishvaie, Zoltan Heinemann (consultant) Sharif University, Tehran Iran. (2013)
  • M.Sc. Thesis: Fluid phase behavior modeling for Iranian South-west petroleum reservoir using SAFT equation of state and comparison with cubic equations of state: Mehdi Assareh under supervision of Cyrus Ghotbi and Mohsen Masihi, Sharif university of technology, Tehran, Iran. (2007)
  • B.Sc. Thesis: Thermodynamic analysis of gas condensate reservoir: Mehdi Assareh under supervision of Mohammad Jamialahmad, Petroleum university of technology, Ahwaz, Iran. (2003)
Thesis, supervised:
  • Thermodynamic modeling of wax precipitation using PC-SAFT+UNIQUAC
  • Investigation of Diffusion Mechanism during Miscible Gas Injection in Fractured Reservoir
  • Determination of optimized oil production and water injection in a matured fractured oil field
  • Ph.D. thesis: Comprehensive screening tool of Enhanced oil recovery technique,
  • Asphaltene precipitation modeling using statistical EOS with multi-component analysis of asphaltene phase in a multi-solid framework using PC-SAFT
  • Asphaltene precipitation modeling using statistical EOS with multi-component analysis of asphaltene phase in a solid solution framework
  • A new method for the Calculation of Minimum miscibility enrichment
  • Static and dynamic upscaling of gas injection in oil reservoirs
  • development of a new dynamic upscaling technique using data driven models
  • Improved phase behavior modeling of petroleum reservoir using statistical EOS.
  • Modeling of surfactant aided gravity drainage and reinfiltration in water invaded zone of carbonate reservoir.
  • Molecular phase and cross phase diffusion in naturally fractured reservoir
  • Development of an Optimized Design for a Down-hole Water Loop in an Oil Production Well
  • Optimized Design for Down-hole Water Sink: An Efficient Solution to Control Water in an Oil Production Well
  • Scheduling of Gas Recycling in Gas Condensate Reservoirs with Stochastic Optimization
  • Placement Optimization of Production and Injection Wells Using Parallel Genetic Algorithm in a Case Study
  • Modeling of scale deposition because of mixing see water and formation water using Pitzer model and e-PC-SAFT.
  • Development of an optimized schedule for cyclic water injection
  • Modeling of CO2 and gas plant exhaust gas solubility in formation brine using ePC-SAFT.
  • Evaluation of carbon water injection in fractured reservoir for EOR and sequestration using single matrix block models.
  • Development of a new modeling technique for wax precipitation modeling using PC-SAFT.
  • Development of a new modeling technique for asphaltene precipitation modeling using PC-SAFT in gas injection process.
  • Modeling of elemental sulfur precipitation from high pressure natural gas
  • Cooperation in Iranian Reservoir simulator development project
    • Compositional equation system optimization
    • Diffusion implementation
    • Equilibrium calculation routines
    • Compositional initialization
    • Compositional well management in simulation
    • Non-equilibrium reservoir initialization
  • Cooperation in preparation of the equation of state fluid model data bank for Iranian offshore oil company
  • Serajeh, underground gas storage
  • Balal fractured oil field simulation
  • South pars oil layer simulation study
  • South pars gas condensate compositional simulation
  • Sabah fractured field production scheduling
  • Intisar - A fluid characterization
  • Intisar- E fluid characterization
  • Waha - fluid characterization
  • Harash - fluid characterization
  • Fidda - fluid characterization
Journal Papers
An effective asphaltene precipitation modeling approach using PC-SAFT with detailed fluid descriptions for gas injection conditions
F Nazari, M Assareh
Fluid Phase Equilibria 532, 112937,2021
Asphaltene formation modeling using vapor-liquid-liquid equilibrium calculations by PC-SAFT for reservoir and surface conditions,
F Nazari, M Assareh, EV Asbaghi
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 198, 108209 2021
Application of a sequential multi-solid-liquid equilibrium approach using PC-SAFT for accurate estimation of wax formation
EV Asbaghi, M Assareh
Fuel 284, 119010, 2021
Toward A Mechanistic Understanding of Re‐Infiltration in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs with Surfactant‐Aided Gravity Drainage Process
BM Davoudi, M Assareh
Journal of Surfactants and Detergents 24 (1), 121-137, 2021
A Comparative Study for Application of Pitzer and ePC-SAFT Equations to Predict Volumetric and Saturation Properties in “Formation” Water
I Barzinejad, M Assareh, MR Dehghani
Journal of Solution Chemistry 49 (7), 971-993, 2020
Phase Behavior Analysis of Formation Water after Mixing with Seawater in Waterflooding Using Electrolyte PC-SAFT
I Barzinezhad, M Assareh
Nashrieh Shimi va Mohandesi Shimi Iran, 2020
Toward A Mechanistic Understanding of Re-Infiltration in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs withSurfactant-AidedGravity Drainage Process
BM Davoudi, M Assareh
Modeling of precipitation considering multi-component form of Asphaltene using a solid solution framework
YH Dehaghani, H Ahmadinezhad, F Feyzi, M Assareh
Fuel 263, 116766, 2020
CO2 sequestration using carbonated water injection in depleted naturally fractured reservoirs: A simulation study
M Motie, M Assareh
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 93, 102893, 2020
Scheduling and Optimization of Production and Injection in Cyclic Water Flooding
S Hoseini, M Assareh
Nashrieh Shimi va Mohandesi Shimi Iran
Effective Estimation of Paraffinic, Naphthenic, and Aromatic Families in Petroleum Fractions
Y Khoshnamvand, M Assareh
Nashrieh Shimi va Mohandesi Shimi Iran, 2019
Development of a data‐driven fuzzy screening model for enhanced oil recovery methods using an adaptive weighting system
MR Tarybakhsh, MT Sadeghi, M Assareh
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 97 (12), 3035-3051, 2019
Multi-level optimization of reservoir scheduling using multi-resolution wavelet-based up-scaled models
V Azamipour, N Misaghian, M Assareh
Natural Resources Research, 1-23, 2019,
An Effective EOS Based Modeling Procedure for Minimum Miscibility Pressure in Miscible Gas Injection
L Mashayekhi, M Assareh, N Kasiri
Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology 9 (2), 70-88, 2019
A new empirical model for estimation of crude oil/brine interfacial tension using genetic programming approach
D Abooali, MA Sobati, S Shahhosseini, M Assareh
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 173, 187-196, 2019
Thermodynamic modelling of wax precipitation using PC-SAFT in a multi-solid framework
R Bagherinia, M Assareh, F Feyzi
International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology 21 (2), 229-249, 2019
Improved minimum miscibility pressure prediction for gas injection process in petroleum reservoir
MR Tarybakhsh, M Assareh, MT Sadeghi, A Ahmadi
Natural Resources Research 27 (4), 517-529, 2018
Asphaltene precipitation modeling with PR and PC-SAFT equations of state based on normal alkanes titration data in a Multisolid approach
YH Dehaghani, M Assareh, F Feyzi
Fluid Phase Equilibria 470, 212-220, 2018
Viscosity prediction for petroleum fluids using free volume theory and PC-SAFT
Y Khoshnamvand, M Assareh
International Journal of Thermophysics 39 (4), 1-25, 2018
An improved optimization procedure for production and injection scheduling using a hybrid genetic algorithm
V Azamipour, M Assareh, GM Mittermeir
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 131, 557-570, 2018
An upscaling approach using adaptive multi-resolution upgridding and automated relative permeability adjustment
N Misaghian, M Assareh, MT Sadeghi
Computational Geosciences 22 (1), 261-282, 2018
Modelling Interfacial Tension of Crude Oil-Brine-Anionic Surfactant Using a Genetic Programming Approach
D Abooali, S Shahhosseini, MA Sobati, M Assareh
PETROLEUM RESEARCH 28 (100), 16-29, 2018
An improved modeling approach for asphaltene deposition in oil wells including particles size distribution
L Eyni, M Assareh, S Ayatollahi, M Ranjbaran
Oil & Gas Sciences and Technology–Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 73, 25, 2018
An Injection Rate Optimization in a Water Flooding Case Study with an Adaptive Simulated Annealing Techniques
V Azamipour, M Assareh
Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology 7 (4), 13-31,2017
An investigation on surfactant aided gravity drainage in fractured reservoirs using matrix block flow simulation
BM Davoudi, M Assareh, MR Dehghani, Y Khoshnamvand
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 159, 977-987,2017
Phase behavior modeling for gas condensate fluids with PC-SAFT and an improved binary interaction coefficient model
Y Khoshnamvand, M Assareh, BM Davoudi
Fluid Phase Equilibria 444, 37-46, 2017
Reduction of Reservoir Fluid Equilibrium Calculation for Peng-Robinson EOS with Zero Interaction Coefficients
M Assareh
Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology 7 (2), 62-76, 2017
بررسی مکانیسم نفوذ ملکولی طی تزریق CO2 و گاز هیدروکربنی در بلوک منفرد و مدل سکتوری مخزن شکافدار
فریدونی, احد, عصاره, مهدی, کثیری بیدهندی, نوراله
پژوهش نفت 27 (1-96), 55-68, 2017
An efficient workflow for production allocation during water flooding
V Azamipour, M Assareh, MR Dehghani, GM Mittermeir
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 139 (3), 2017
An improved thermodynamic model for Wax precipitation using a UNIQUAC+ PC-SAFT approach
R Bagherinia, M Assareh, F Feyzi
Fluid Phase Equilibria 425, 21-30, 2016
An improved component retrieval method for cubic equations of state with non-zero binary interaction coefficients for natural oil and gas
M Assareh, C Ghotbi, G Bashiri, E Roayaie
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology 6 (2), 243-251,2016
Developing a new model for the determination of petroleum fraction PC-SAFT parameters to model reservoir fluids
P Hosseinifar, M Assareh, C Ghotbi
Fluid Phase Equilibria 412, 145-157, 2016
PC-SAFT modeling of petroleum reservoir fluid phase behavior using new correlations for petroleum cuts and plus fractions
M Assareh, C Ghotbi, M Tavakkoli, G Bashiri
Fluid Phase Equilibria 408, 273-283,2016
Development of a new workflow for pseudo-component generation of reservoir fluid detailed analysis: a gas condensate case study
M Assareh, MR Pishvaie, C Ghotbi, GM Mittermeir
International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology 7 (3), 275-297, 2014.
An analytical delumping methodology for PC-SAFT with application to reservoir fluids
M Assareh, C Ghotbi, MR Pishvaie, GM Mittermeir
Fluid Phase Equilibria 339, 40-51, 2013.
Minimum Miscibility Pressure Calculation: A comparison Between Multi‐Contact Test and Compositional Simulation
SM Seyyedsar, M Assareh, C Ghotbi
CIVILICA, 14th Iranian National Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, 2012
Application of Simulated Annealing Technique to Non-Linear Optimization of PC-SAFT for Petroleum Reservoir Fluids
M Assareh, MR Pishvaie, C Ghotbi

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