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 Short Introduction:


 Power systems consist of numerous equipment and instruments which are broadly classified into three categories, Generation, Transmission and Distribution. The optimal coordination and operation of these equipment necessitates different techniques and methods to enable power system operators to enhance security and in turn reduce the final cost of electrical energy. Nowadays, to achieve the required goals, employing monitoring and automatic control systems have become mandatory. Centre of Excellence for Power System Automation and Operation has set its mission to develop state of the art techniques in the field of automation and operation to focus on this significant and vital requirement of the country.

 Researchers of this center in cooperation with their post graduate students (MS and PhD) have amended all their research efforts to build up and extend the necessary approach and practice in various automation and operation fields and have focused all their research case studies on country’s real electric industry problems and shortcomings. Their major activities are directed to improve the current power system operation and automation standards as well as to enhance and upgrade the present methods and techniques used in a variety of related fields of generation, transmission and distribution.

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