| 11- Postgraduate Projects 12- Honors, Recognition and Outstanding Achievements for Teaching and Research 13- Research Labs
1- Faculty profile | Family Name: Hodjat kashani | First Name: Farokh | Title: Full Prof. Of Electrical Engineering of Iran University of Science & Technology. Narmak ,Tehran , Iran. | Tel: | Email : kashani(At)iust.ac.ir | 2- Higher Education Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering, University of California Los Angeles, June 1970, specializing in Electromagnetic. M.S. in Electrical Engineering, UCLA, June 1968, specializing in Electronics and solid state Electronics. B.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran, June 1962, specializing in Electronics. | 3-Expertise • Antenna Design,• Microwave and Millimeter Wave Community , • Meta-materials and EBG structures . | 4- Taught Couses Undergraduate: Microwave I, Antenna I, Radar I, Field and Wave Propagation, Transmission Line Theory, Electronic I, II. Postgraduate: Antenna II, Microwave II, High Frequency Amplifier Design, Special Antenna, Active Filter Design, Microwave Tubes Design. | 5-Research and Industrial Projects: Wideband Waveguide. Design and Implementation of Spiral Antennas. Design and Implementation of Radar for Blinds. Design and Implementation of 600kw Wave guide Filter Design and Implementation of X Band Magnetron. Design and Implementation of 700w UHF Amplifier. Design and Implementation of L.N.A. X Band Amplifier. Design of a Circular Ridged Micro strip Antenna. Design of a Coaxial Directional Coupler. Design and Implementation of Slotted Cylindrical Antenna. Design and Simulation of a VHF Jammer. Design and Simulation of a Back Cavity Antenna. Design and Implementation of a Three Channel Filter. Design and Implementation of a Coaxial Cavity with Varactor. Analysis and design of a Sinusoidal Antenna. Design and Implementation of a Wraparound Antenna. Design and Implementation of Balanced Mixer. Design and Simulation of Super Resolution Antenna. Design and Implementation of Reflection Amplifier. Design and Implementation of a Combine Filter.
21-Design and Implementation of a Conical Wraparound Antenna | 6- Journal Papers : Hodjat, F. “Microwave Generator using IMPATT Diode.” The Iranian Society of Engineers Publication. 1974. Hodjat, F. and seeger, J. “Scattering of Electromagnetic waves by an Axially Cylindrical Electron Beam Surrounded by a Dielectrical Cylinder, “Proceedings of the Fourth Iranian congress of Electrical Engineering. May. 1974. Hodjat, F. and seeger, J. ”Measurement of scattering of an Electromagnetic wave from an Electron Beam, “Canadian Journal of physics. Vol. 54. 1976. Hodjat, F. “Wideband waveguides”. Journal of Microwave power, Vol. 12, 1977. Hodjat, F. “Electronic scanning Antenna using a Nonuniformly – spaced planar Array”, Proceeding of IEE, Vol. 125, NO. 3, March 1978. Hodjat, F. and Hovanessian, S. A. “Nouniformly spaced Linear and planar Array for sidelobe Reduction”. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and propagation, Vol .AP-26, March 1978. Hodjat, F ”Receiving Wide Band Week Signals “November 1984. Suroush publication, Tehran. Hodjat, F. “Corner reflector for VHF, UHF and Microwave applications.” September 1984. Suroush publication, Tehran. Hodjat, F. “Discone antenna has suitable application for Television frequency band.” December 1984. Souroush publication. Tehran. Hodjat, F. “omni directional antennas for Television frequency band.” Jan. 1985. Souroush publication, Tehran. Hodjat, F. “Replacement of Microwave High Power Tubes by Solid State Devices, Using power Combiners.” July 1990. Journal of Research in Science and Technology, Tehran. Hodjat, F. “Numerical Solution and Design of Spiral Antenna Using Moment Method” May 26,1993, International Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering. School of Engineering, Shiraz University, Iran. Hodjat, F. “Design of feed for Planar Array Antennas” , June 1990, International Journal of Engineering, I.U.S.T Iran. Hodjat, F. and S.Farahvash. “Simulation of Co-Axial Cavity with Varactor Diode Inside”. Sept. 1991, International Journal of Engineering, I.U.S.T. Iran. Hodjat, F. and M. Fallah “A New method for Amplifier design”. Aug 1992, International Journal of Engineering, I.U.S.T. Iran. Hodjat, F. and M. k. Hosseini “methods for design of VCO.” Sept 1996, International Journal of Engineering, I.U.S.T. Iran. Hodjat, F. and M. Abaspor “Analysis of Microstrip Rap Around Antennas” June 1999, International Journal of Engineering, I.U.ST. Iran. Hodjat, F. and Mallahzadeh, A.R. “Analysis of the Ridged circular disk Microstrip Antenna” IEE. Proc. June 2001. Hodjat, F. and Mallahzadeh, A.R. “Analysis of Slot coupled Ridged circular disk Micro strip Antenna” Iranian Journal of Science and Tech. Shiraz. Iran, 2001. Hodjat, F. and Mallahzadeh, A.R. “Analysis of a Ridged Circular Disk Micro strip Antenna Element Excited” Iran journal of Science and Tech, October 2002, Shiraz, Iran. Hodjat, F,A.H.Abdoli,”Design and Implementation of Microstrip Antenna”, 2003, International Journal of Engineering, I.U.S.T. Iran. Hodjat, F,P.Ebrahimi,”Design of Conical Arashmidos”, 2000, International Journal of Engineering. Hodjat, F,P.Mohamadi,”Design of Power Divider $-10Ghz”, 2000, International Journal of Engineering. Hodjat, F,M.Askari,”Effect of array Geometry”, 2002, International Journal of Engineering, Amirkabir ,Iran Hodjat, F,A.L.Neyestanak,”Optimization Of Power Divider”, 2002, International Journal of Engineering, Amirkabir ,Iran Hodjat, F,Mallahzade,”Analysis of Ridged Waveguid”, 2002, International Journal of Engineering, I.U.S.T. Iran. Hodjat, F,A.H.Aboli,”Simulation Analysis of”, 2004, International Journal of Engineering, I.U.S.T. Iran. Hodjat, F,M.K.Amirhoseini,”Using Reconstruction”, 2004, International Journal of Engineering, I.U.S.T. Iran. Hodjat, A.A.Lotfi,”New Optimization”, 2004, WSEAS TRANS. OF MATH. Hodjat, A.A.Lotfi,”Design of a TV Combiner”, 2004, WSEAS TRANS. OF COMM. Hodjat, F,M.Askari,”Effect of array Geometry”, 2002, International Journal of Engineering, Amirkabir ,Iran Hodjat.F,A.H.Aboli,”FD-TD Simulation of Plane Wave”, 2005, International Journal of Engineering, I.U.S.T. Iran. Hodjat, A.A.Lotfi,”Impedance Band width Optimization”, 2004, Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Hodjat, A.A.Lotfi,”E shaped Patch Antenna”, 2005, Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Hodjat, A.A.Lotfi,”A Novel Method in Optimization of Yagi Antenna”, 2005, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Hodjat, K.Berkeshli,”W shaped Enhanced Band width”, 2007, Wireless personal communication. Hodjat, R.sarlak,”A Novel and Accurate Method”, 2006, Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Hodjat, A.A.Lotfi,”Impedance Band width Optimization”, 2004, Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Hodjat, Sotude,”A Novel Bandpass”, 2008, Progress In Electromagnetic. Hodjat.F,A.H.Aboli,”Analysis of Compatibility”, 2008, , Progress In Electromagnetic. Hodjat, R.sarlak,”Full Wave Analysis”, 2008, Progress In Electromagnetic. Hodjat, Shahpari,”Dual Band Dual Polarized”, 2008, Progress In Electromagnetic. Hodjat, Shahpari,”Dual Band Dual Polarized”, 2008, Progress In Electromagnetic Hodjat.F,Khalaj.Amirhoseini,” Reconstruction of the Shaped…”, 2008, Microwave and Optical Wiely. Hodjat, Pilevari,”A Novel Broadband Fractal…”, 2008, Progress In Electromagnetic Hodjat, Kordzadeh,”A New Reduced Sized ….”, 2008, Progress In Electromagnetic
| 7- Confrence papers: Hodjat, F. and Hassania, M. “Micro strip Filters” Third Iranian Electrical Conference. Tehran, Iran. 1995 Hodjat, F. and Vakili, V. “Fast Frequency Synthesizer”, Third Iranian Electrical Conference. Tehran, Iran. 1995 Hodjat, F. and Atatholahi, A. “Design and impletation of an Operational Device” Third Iranian Electrical Conference. Tehran, Iran. 1995 Hodjat, F. and Olfat, H. “Cylindrical Slotted Antenna”, Fourth Iranian Electrical Conference. Tehran, Iran. 1986 Hodjat, F. and Sfavi, S. “Simulation and Modelling of Wave Propagation” Fifth Iranian Electrical Conference. Tehran, Iran. 1997 Hodjat, F. and Firoozabadi, A. “ Analysis and Design of Sinusoidal Antenna” Sixth Iranian Electrical Conference. Tehran, Iran. 1998 Hodjat, F. and Amirhoseini, K. “Method for Solving the Electromagnetic Problems” Sixth Iranian Electrical Conference. Tehran. Iran. 1998 Hodjat, F. and Amirhoseini, K. “ The Physical Method for Wave Propagation” Sixth Iranian Electrical Conference. Tehran. Iran. 1998 Hodjat, F. and Hamidia, M. “Design of a Radar Protected System” Seventh Iranian Electrical Conference. Tehran, Iran. 1999 Hodjat, F. and Amirihoseini, K. “Reverse Scattering Electromagnetic Problem” Seventh Iranian Electrical Conference. Tehran, Iran. 1999 Hodjat, F. and Lotfi, A. “Adjusting Coaxial Filter” Eighth Iranian Electrical Conference. Tehran, Iran. 2000 Hodjat, F. and Hosseinzade, S. “Spherical Reflector Antenna” Eighth Iranian Electrical Conference. Tehran, Iran. 2000 Hodjat, F. and Amirhoseini, K. “Refinancing Place and Shape of an Homogeneous Object” Eighth Iranian Electrical Conference. Thran, Iran. 2000 Hodjat, F. and Foorozesh, A. “Analysis of Frequency Selective Array” International Wireless Telecommunication. Malasia 1999. Hodjat, F. and Malahzadeh, A.R. “Analysis of a Circular Disk Micro strip Antenna” Proceeding of the 8th Iranian Conferena, May 2000 Hodjat, F. and Chaldavi, A. “Design Of Jauman Dielectric” Proceeding of ISAP 2000, Japan 2000 Hodjat, F. and Salehi, A. “Bandwidth Improvement of a Folded Micro strip Antenna” IASTED, Greece, 2001 Hodjat, F. and Noori, N. “Noise Analysis in Injected Oscilators” Ninth Iranian Electrical Conference. Tehran, Iran. 2001 Hodjat, F. and Lotfi, A. “Neural Argumentation in Phase Junction” Ninth Iranian Electrical Conference. Tehran, Iran. 2001 Hodjat, F. and Amirhoseini, K. “Preparation for Scattering Problems” Ninth Iranian Electrical Conference. Tehran, Iran. 2001 Hodjat, F. and Mallahzadeh, A. R. “The Resonant Frequency of a Ridged Circular Micro strip Antenna” Tenth Iranian Electrical Conference. Tehran, Iran 2002 Hodjat, F. and Mallahzadeh, A. R. “Slot Coupled Ridged Circular Micro strip Antenna”. IASTED, Malaga, Spain. 2002 Hodjat, F. and Asgari, M. “The Effects of Array Configuration on Sipe Resolution Array Performances” IEEE ISSPIT, Marrakech, Morocco, 2002. Hodjat, F. and Asgari, M. “Grammer-Rov Bound Approach to Sipe Resolution Array Design” CSCC, Greece, 2002. Hodjat, F. and Asgari, M. “The Synthesis of Super-Resolution Array Through Algorithm Using CRB” EPMCC, U. K. 2003 Hodjat, F. and Neiestanak, L. “Analysis and Simulation of PIFA Antenna” Eleventh Iranian Electrical Conference. Shiraz, Iran 2003 Hodjat, F. and Tabrizi,R “An Integral Equation Conical Antenna” International Telecom,Isfahan, Iran 2003 Hodjat, F. and Aboli.H.A“ FDTD Simulation of Patch Antenna” International Telecom,Isfahan, Iran 2003 Hodjat, F. and Neyestanak.L,“ Optimization of E Shaped Antenna” International Telecom,Isfahan, Iran 2003 Hodjat, F. and Aboli.H.A. “Analysis of Electrical…” Twelfth Iranian Electrical Conference. meshad, Iran 2004 Hodjat, F. and Neyestanak.L,“ Optimization of E Shaped Antenna” EUROEM 2004 Hodjat, F. and Neyestanak.L,“ Optimization of Conical…” EUROEM 2004 Hodjat, F. and Aboli.H.A. “Analysis of Conical fed” IEEE Conference,Washington DC 2005 Hodjat, F. and Mohamadi.A, “Analysis of A Triangular Patch Antenna” Thirtieth Iranian Electrical Conference. Zanjan, Iran 2005 Hodjat, F. and Mohamadi.A, “Design of Circular Polarization…” Antem 2005 France. Hodjat, F. and Zolfkhani.H, “Analysis & Design of 6 bit MEMS…” Thirtieth Iranian Electrical Conference. Zanjan, Iran 2005 Hodjat, F. and Zolfkhani.H, “Analysis & Design of Multi bit MEMS…” ISMOT 2005 JAPAN. Hodjat, F. and Zolfkhani.H, “Electromagnetical CPW MEMS…” IST 2006 Shiraz, Iran. Hodjat, F. and Soltani.N.Y, “ Narrow Band DF Algoritm…” IST 2006 Shiraz, Iran. Hodjat, F. and Sarlak.R, “Analysis of Mutual Coupling Between Micro strip Lines” Sixteeenth Iranian Electrical Conference, Iran 2006. Hodjat, F. and Mohamadi.M, “A Compact Monopulse ...” 5th IEEE Conference, 2009. Hodjat, F. and Komijani.N, “A Novel Circularly Polarized ” 5th IEEE Conference, 2009
| 8- Books: Hodjat, F. Fundamental of Micro wave. 1976 Hodjat, F. Radar Detection & Tracking system. 1979 Hodjat, F. Practical Antennas. 1982 Hodjat, F. & S. Safavi. Electronic communication systems. 1983 Vo1I. Hodjat, F. & A. Assli. Electronic Measurements. 1983 Hodjat, F. Radio Circuit Design. 1984 Hodjat, F. Micro waves.1984 Hodjat, F. Audio Amplifier application. 1986 Hodjat, F. and Khorassani, K. Passive Micro strip Circuit. 1997 Hodjat, F. and Omidi, M. Active Micro wave Circuit. 2000 Hodjat, F. and Omidi, M. Theory of Micro strip Design. 2003
| 9- Professional Activities September 1966 to September 1968-Research assistant, design Pico second waveform measurements at UCLA. September 1968 to June 1970- Teaching Assistant of Electronic Lab, and work for Ph. D. thesis. Sept. 1970 to Jan. 1971 – Assistant Prof. at Higher Institute of Telecommunication and Univ. of Tehran – Iran. Jan. 1971 to June 1976 – Assistant Prof, and chairman of E.E. dept. at IUST. June 1976 to June 1977- –Assistant Prof. One year sabbatical leave at Hughes Aircraft Company, aerospace division, Canoga Park, California, U.S.A. June 1977 to June 1980 – Chairman of E.E. dept. and vice president of Research and development of IUST. June 1980 to June 1984- –Assistant Prof. and manager of some research projects. June 1984 to present – Prof of. IUST. Professional Employment: | 10- Postgraduate Projects: 1-Mohammad Asgari,”Design and Implementation of S.T.C for ADS4 RADAR”. 2- Ali Olfat,”Design and Implementation of Lband Slotted Antenna ”. 3-Mohamad Khalaj Amirhoseini,”Design and Implementation of X band VCO”. 4- kamrane akhorasani,” Design and Implementation of S band Waveguide Bandpass Filter. 5- Shahid Kavini,” Design and Implementation of high frequency... 6- Mohamad alijani,” Design and Implementation of X band Magnetron 7- Lashgarian,” Design and Simulation of VHF band Jammer. 8 - Farzad Tavvakol,” Design and Implementation of linear Power Amp. 9-mohammad Reza Tofighi, ” Design and Implementation of X band Cavity Backed Antenna. 10- Gholam Reza Moradi,” Design and Implementation of Signal Collecting System. 11- Shahrnaz Azizi,” Design and Simulation of Mobile Communication System. 12- Mohammad Samii,” Design and Implementation of 3channel Bandpass Filter. 13 - Shayan Farnush,” Design and Implementation of Coaxial Varactor. 14- Firuzabadi,” Design and Implementation of Planar Slotted array With feeding Network. 15- Meftahoddin Firuzabadi,” Design and Analysis of 2-18Ghz Sinusidal Antenna. 16- Mohamad Reza Saderi,” Design of Quadrature Slotted Array Antenna. 17- Hushang Razban,” Design of TWT. 18- Mohsen Fallah,” Design and Implementation of Front End of a L Band Receiver. 19- Mehrdad Abbaspur,” Design and Implementation Microstrip Wrapround Antenna. 20- Hossein Ghasemzade,” Design and Implementation of Balanced Mixer. 21-Amir Reza Nickfal,” Design and Implementation of P.C. Power Divider. 22- Kiumars Purnurali,” Design and Implementation of Comb line filter. 23- Pejman Mohamadi,” Design and Simulation of Comb line filter. 24- mohamad reza Aghaei,” Design and Implementation of 4 Way Power Divider. 25-Mohammad Khalaj Amirhoseini,” Design and Simulation of Reflected Amp.(PhD Dissertation). 26-Mohammad Mallah Zade,” Design and Simulation of Planar and Circular Edged Array Antenna.(PhD Dissertation). 27-Abbas Ali Lotfi Neyestanak,” Design and Implementation Of Microstrip E Antenna.(PhD Dissertation). 28-Mohammad Asgari,” Design and Simulation Smart Antenna.(PhD Dissertation). 29-Mohammad Omidi,” Design and Implementation of Ziberpinski Antenna.(PhD Dissertation). 30- Zolfkhani,” Mems Array Antenna .(PhD Dissertation). 31-Reza Roshani,” Design and Simulation of Conical Microstrip Antenna. 32-Amir Haji Abdoli,” Design and Implementation of Microstrip Antenna. 33-Mojtaba Sajjadi,” Design and Simulation of CDMA 3rd Generation of Mobile Communication. 34-Neda Kalantar,” Design and Simulation of High Speed PLL. 35-Vahid Masuminia,” Design and Simulation of Exclusion CFAR RADAR. 36-Ali Ghaemian,” Design and Simulation of High Frequency Langh Coupler. 37-Ali Khamene Asl ,” Design and Simulation of L band Radom. 38-Zahra Aghaei,” Design and Simulation of LPI Attenuator. 39-Naser Abbaszade,” Design and Simulation of 4-12Ghz Broad Band Madul . 40-Akram Ahmadi,” Design and Simulation of 3 Way triangular Microstrip Antenna. 25-41-Vahid Farsad,” Design and Simulation of Broad Band SSB Mixer . 42-Mohammad Ghasempur ,” Design and Simulation of Broad Band Amplifier With Smith Chart. 43-Hamed Seraj,” Design and Simulation of Track While Scan Parabolic Antenna. 44-Mohammad Biglarbeigian,” Design and Simulation of 18Ghz Frequency Syntisizer. 45-Javad Azizi,” Design and Simulation of 1KW , X band Phased Array Antenna . |