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:: Dr. M.A. Shayanfar ::

Mohsen Ali Shayanfar


Date of birth

  06 . 06 . 1960



 Assistant Professor

Program area

  Structural Engineering


  +98-21-77240113               Fax: +98-21-77240398


  shayanfar AT iust.ac.ir


 Visiting Professor

 Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics

 McGill University



 Visiting Professor

 Civil Engineering and Surveying

 Technical University




 Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics

  McGill University




 Structural Engineering

 McGill University




 Structural Engineering

 Tarbiat Modarress University

  Tehran, Iran



  Civil Engineering

  Shahid Nikbakht Engineering Faculty

  Zahedan , Iran


Executive Responsibilities


Journal Papers

  Conference Papers

 Technical Reports

  Lecture Notes

Executive Responsibilities

  •  Vice President of Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
  •  Director of the Bureau of University and Industries Relationships, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
  •  Associate Dean in Research, Department of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
  •  Vice President of The Building and Housing Research Center affiliated to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Tehran, Iran
  •  Chairman of The First International Conference on Concrete and Development, 2001,Tehran, Iran
  •  Organizing Chair of the 3rd Conference on Iranian Code for Seismic Resistant Design of Buildings (Standard 2800), 2003, Tehran, Iran
  •  Director of National Plan on Retrofit of Railway Bridges of Iran Railway Network, Ministry of Transportation, Tehran, Iran.
  •   Director of the Retrofit Department, Transportation Research Institute, Ministry of Transportation, Tehran, Iran.


  • Member of Centre of Excellence for Fundamental Studies in Structural Engineering (2010-present)
  •  Member of the permanent committee of Iranian National Code on Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures (Standard 2800)
  •  Member of the establishing committee for Iranian National Code on Seismic Retrofit of Bridges
  •  Member of the committee for retrofitting of the national railroad network bridges
  •  Member of the education sub-committee of the national natural disaster mitigation committee
  •  Member of the retrofit and rehabilitation committee of Tehran City Council
  •  Member of the research council of Transportation Research Institute affiliated to the Ministry of Transportation
  •  Member of the technical committee of civil engineering, building national regulation affairs, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development
  •  ACI Member
  •  CIB Member
  •  ICA Member

Journal Papers

  1. M.A. Shayanfar, M.A. Barkhordari, and A.R. Rezaeian, Experimental study of cyclic behavior of composite vertical shear link in eccentrically braced frames, Steel and Composite Structures, 12(1), 13-29, 2011.
  2. Shakeri, K., Shayanfar, M. A., Kabeyasawa, A storey shear based adaptive pushover procedure for estimating seismic demands of buildings, Engineering Structures, Volume 32, Issue 1, January 2010, Elsevier Ltd.
  3. Kazem Shakeri, Mohsen A. Shayanfar and Toshimi Kabeyasawa A story shear-based adaptive pushover procedure for estimating seismic demands of buildings, Journal of Engineering Structures, 32(1), 174-183, 2010.
  4. Shayanfar, M.A., Naderpoor, H. Investigation of effective parameters on reliability of reinforced concrete bridge piers strengthened using FRP laminates, Journal of Transportation Research, Transportation Research Institute, Ministry of Transportation, 2009, Tehran, Iran.
  5. Shayanfar, M. A., Ghadiri, H., Analysis of reinforced concrete piles of a 14 stories building located in liquefied soils, Iranian Concrete Institute Journal, 2009.
  6. Shayanfar, M. A., Mirzaee, A., Investigation of curve radius and Pounding on seismic performance of isolated concrete cantilever curved viaducts equipped with deck unseating prevention cable restrainers, Journal of Iranian Society of Civil Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 24, Summer 2009.
  7. Shayanfar, M.A., Shakeri, K. Modal push-over analysis with adaptive load pattern for seismic assessment of bridges, Journal of Transportation Research, Transportation Research Institute, Ministry of Transportation, 2008, Tehran, Iran.
  8. Shayanfar, M.A., Rezaeian, A.R. Introducing and study of seismic behavior of braced frame with double vertical link, Structure and Steel, Journal of Iranian Society of Steel Structures, 2008, Tehran, Iran.
  9. Shayanfar, M.A., Shakeri, K. Modal static analysis with one time execution for seismic assessment of steel moment resisting frames, Structure and Steel, Journal of Iranian Society of Steel Structures, 2008, Tehran, Iran.
  10. Shayanfar, M. A. and Safiey, A. A new approach for nonlinear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete structures with corroded reinforcements, Computers and Concrete, 5(2), 155-174, 2008.
  11. Shayanfar, M. A. and Safiey, A. Hypoelastic modeling of reinforced concrete walls , Computers and Concrete, 5(3), 2008.  
  12. Shayanfar, M. A., Mortezaei, A. Seismic lateral displacement control of reinforced concrete buildings with flexible first storey, Iranian Concrete Institute Journal, 2007.
  13. Shayanfar, M. A., Ghalehnovi, M. and Safiey, A. Corrosion effects on tension stiffening behavior of reinforced concrete, Computers and Concrete, 4(5), 403-424, 2007.
  14. Shayanfar, M. A., Massah, S. R., and Rahami, H. An Inverse Reliability Method Using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm, World Applied Science Journal, IDOSI Publications, 2(6), 594-601, 2007.  
  15. Shayanfar, M. A., Najafdoost, M. Investigation of vulnerability of bridges under recent earthquakes, Iranian Concrete Institute Journal, 2006.  
  16. Al Neggar, M. H., Shayanfar, M.A., Kimiyaee, M., Aghakochak, A. A. Simplified BNWF model for nonlinear seismic response analysis of offshore piles with nonlinear input ground motion analysis , Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2005.
  17. Shayanfar, M.A., Ansari., M. Dynamic Analysis of Rail Road Bridges in Special Lines of Rapid Trains, Journal of Transportation Research, Transportation Research Institute, Ministry of Transportation, 2005, Tehran, Iran.  
  18. Kimiyaee, M., Shayanfar, M.A., Al Neggar, M.H., Aghakochak, A. A.. Simplifield BNWF model for nonlinear seismic response analysis … International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2004, Tehran, Iran.
  19. Shayanfar, M.A., Sanaee., E. and Mohammahd Zadeh., S. Error Estimation of Cass II Reliability Methods Using Class III Reliability Methods, International J. Engineering Science, Iran University of Science and Technology, Vol., No., 2004,Tehran, Iran.
  20. Shayanfar, M.A., Ashmand., A. Strengthening and Retrofitting Using FRP, Monthly Technical Journal of Civil and Architecture, 2004, Tehran, Iran.
  21. Ghaleh Novi, M., Shayanfar, M.A., Sanaee., E. Theoretical and Analytical Investigation of Uniaxial Behavior of Plain Concrete, Journal of Science and Engineering, Sistan and Baluchistan University, 2004, Zahedan, Iran.  
  22. Sanaee., E., Shayanfar, M.A., and Mohammahd Zadeh., S. Structural Reliability Analysis Using Combinatorial Simulation Techniques, Journal of the Engineering Faculty, Ferdowsi University, No., Vol., 2003, Mashad, Iran.
  23. Shayanfar, M.A., Mahfozpor., A. Frame-Wall Structures with Stiffened Stories, Sakhtar Journal, Sistan and Baluchistan University, 2002, Zahedan, Iran.
  24. Shayanfar, M.A. and Amidi Rad, O. Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of RC Shear Panels , International J. Engineering Science, Special Issue on Civil Eng., Iran University of Science and Technology, pp. 103-118, 2001, Tehran, Iran.
  25. Shayanfar, M.A. and Saleh Jalali, R. Analysis of RC Shear Walls Using a Nonlinear Finite Element Formulation, International J. of Engineering Science, Iran University of Science and Technology, Vol.12, No.3, 2001,Tehran, Iran.
  26. Shayanfar, M.A. and Angouti, M. Investigation on Vulnerability of RC Concrete Frames Designed for Gravity Loads, Journal of the Engineering Faculty, Ferdowsi University, No. 13, Vol.2, 2001, Mashad, Iran.
  27. Shayanfar, M.A. and Kaffashpour, A.R. Effect of the Length of Boundary Elements on the Height of Neutral Loads in RC Structural Walls, Tazehaye-Sakhteman va Maskan (Journal of the Iranian Building and Housing Research Center), Building and Housing Research Center, No. 19 & 20, 2001, Tehran, Iran.
  28. Shayanfar, M.A., Saleh Jalali., R. Investigation Of Mesh Size Effects On Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis Of RC Shear Walls, International J. Engineering Science, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2001,Tehran, Iran .
  29. Shayanfar, M.A. and Asgari Anaraki, A.R. Investigation on the Nonlinear Behavior of concrete Cores Against Earthquakes, Tazehaye-Sakhteman Va Maskan (Journal of the Iranian Building and Housing Research Center), Autumn 2000, pp. 19-27, Tehran, Iran.
  30. Shayanfar, M. A., Kheyroddin, A. and Mirza, M.S. Element Size Effects on Nonlinear Analysis of Concrete Members, Computers and Structures, Vol.6, No.2, pp. 339-352, 1997, London, U.K.  

Conference Papers

  1. M.A. Shayanfar, A.Kheroddin and M.S. Mirza, Influence of Element Size and Tension Stiffening in Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams, CSCE Annual Conference, June 1-4, 1994, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
  2. Shayanfar, M.A. and Mirza, M.S. A Hypoelasticity Model for Nonlinear Analysis of Concrete Structures Under Reversed Cyclic Loading, Third Canadian Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering and Building Engineering, August 26-28, 1996, Montreal, Canada.
  3. Shayanfar, M.A. and Mirza, M.S. Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Structures Under Cyclic Loading Using a Simple Hypoelasticity Model, Conference on Civil Engineering by Iranian Students in Canada, July 19-20, 1996, Montreal, Canada.
  4. Shayanfar, M.A. and Mirza, M.S. A Simple Hypoelasticity Model for Nonlinear Analysis of Concrete Structures , Advances in Finite Element Procedures and Techniques, Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, pp. 195-203, 1998, Scotland, U.K.
  5. Shayanfar, M.A. and Saleh Jalali, R. Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Experimental RC Shear Walls, Developments in Analysis and Design Using Finite Element Methods, Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, pp. 187-195, 1999, Scotland, U.K.
  6. Shayanafar, M.A. and Mohammad Zadeh, S. Estimation of the Reliability of Railroad Concrete Bridges, 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering, May 2000, Vol. 5, pp. 122-125, Mashad Ferdowsi University, Mashad, Iran.
  7. Shayanfar, M.A. and Mirza, M.S. Nonlinear Behavior Analysis of a Three Bay Frame with Deep Beams Subjected to Monotonically Increasing Loads., 4th Structural Specialty Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 5-8, 2002.
  8. Shayanfar, M.A. and Mohammadi, A. An Investigation on the Behaviour of the Modified Beam- to-Column Connections by Means of Nonlinear Finite Element Method, 4th. Structural Specialty Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, June 5-8, 2002, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  9. Kimiaei, M., Shayanfar, M. A., El Naggar, M. H. and Aghakouchak, A. A. Nonlinear Seismic Pile Soil Structure Interaction Analysis of Piles in Offshore Platforms, 23rd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 20-25 June 2004, Vancouver, Canada.
  10. Mehrdad KIMIAEI, Mohsen Ali SHAYANFAR, M. Hesham El NAGGAR, Ali Akbar AGHAKOUCHAK, NONLINEAR RESPONSE ANALYSIS OF OFFSHORE PILES UNDER SEISMIC LOADS, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August 1-6, 2004.
  11. Shayanfar, M.A. and Tavassoli, M.R. Investigation of Nonlinear Behavior of Flexural RC Frames by means of Finite Element Method, First Scientific Specialty Conference of The Iranian Civil Engineering Association, September 1999, pp. 491-497, Tehran, Iran.
  12. Shayanfar, M.A. and Mostafavi, A.R. High-Rise Wall-Frame Structures with One or More Than One Stiffened Stories , 2nd. International Conference of High Rise Buildings, May 2001, Iran University of Science and Technology, pp. 294-379, Tehran, Iran.
  13. Shayanfar, M.A. and Kaffashpour, A.R. Seismic Design of RC Structural Walls with Boundary Elements, 1st. International Conference on Concrete and Development, April 30 - May 2, 2001, pp. 109-118, Building and Housing Research Center, Tehran , Iran.
  14. Shayanfar, M.A. and Kaffashpour, A.R. Assessment of the Required Length for Installation of Special Tranverse Reinforcements in Boundary Elements of Structural Walls, 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering, Mashad Ferdowsi University, May 2000, Vol.3, pp. 182-189, Mashad, Iran.
  15. Shayanfar, M.A. and Ghale Noiee, M. Investigation on Nonlinear Behavior of RC Frames by Finite Element Method, 1st International Conference on Concrete and Development, April 30 - May 2, 2001, pp. 129-138, Building and Housing Research Center, Tehran, Iran.
  16. Shayanfar, M.A. and Angouti, M. Investigation on the Vulnerability of RC Frames in Iran, 1st International Conference on Concrete and Development, April 30 - May 2, 2001, pp. 291-300, Building and Housing Research Center, Tehran, Iran.
  17. Shayanfar, M.A., and Iranmanesh, A. Investigation on the Behavior of Coupled Walls by Finite Element Method, 1st. International Conference on Concrete and Development, April 30 - May 2, 2001, pp. 393-402, Building and Housing Research Center, Tehran, Iran.
  18. Shayanfar, M.A., Angouti, M. and Abbassi, H. Study on the Vulnerability of RC Frames and Their Strengthening Methods, 1st Conference on Safety and Renovation of Structures, May 6-8, 2002, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
  19. Shayanfar, M.A., Abasi., H. Study of shear distribution and behevioral ratio of the R C structures with ordinary and medium ductility, Third Seminar on Review of the Iranian National Code on Earthquake Resistant Design of Buildings, Building and Housing Research Center, 2002, Tehran, Iran.
  20. Shayanfar, M.A., Kimiyaee, M. and Aghakochak, A.A. Dynamic Nonlinear Response of Offshore Platform Piles Sixth International Conference on Civil Engineering, 2003, Isfahan, Iran.
  21. Shayanfar, M.A., GhalehNovi., M. Behavioral study of concrete uniaxial compressive stress-strain relations Sixth International Conference on Civil Engineering, 2003, Isfahan, Iran.
  22. Shayanfar, M.A., Kimiyaee, Aghakochak and alnegar. Nonlinear Response Analysis Of Offshore Piles Under Seismic Loads .
  23. Shayanfar, M.A., Kimiyaee, Aghakochak and alnegar. Nonlinear Seismic Pile Soil Structure Interaction Analysis Of Piles In Offshore Platforms.
  24. Shayanfar, M.A., Kimiyaee, Aghakochak and alnegar. Influences Of Equivalent Linear Ground Motion Analysis On Seismic Response Of Offshore Piles .
  25. Shayanfar, M.A., Kimiyaee, Aghakochak and alnegar. The Effectes Of Free Field Ground Motion Analysis On Seismic Response Of Offshore Piles .
  26. Shayanfar, M.A., Ghale Noeei., M. Corrossion effects on bond strength of reinforced concrete tension members, 2nd International Conference on Concrete and Development, 2005, Building and Housing Research Center, Tehran, Iran.
  27. Shayanfar, M.A., Ghale Noeei., M. Study of strength and bond-slip behavior of reinforced concrete tension members, 2nd International Conference on Concrete and Development, 2005, Building and Housing Research Center, Tehran, Iran.
  28. Shayanfar, M.A., Safiey, A. Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete beams considering reinforcement corrosion and bond-slip effects 2nd International Conference on Concrete and Development, 2005, Building and Housing Research Center, Tehran, Iran.
  29. Shayanfar, M.A., Kimiaei.M, Aghakuochak.A, EL Naggar.M., A Practical Model For Nonlinear Seismic Response Analysis of Jacket Type Fixed Offshore Platforms 25nd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2006, Hamburg, Germany.
  30. Shayanfar, M.A., Safiey.A, Ghalehnovi.M, Investigation Of Corrosion Effects on Bond-slip and Tensile Strength Of Reinforced Concrete Members Federation Internationale du Beton Proceedings Of the 2nd International Congress, 2006, Naples, Italy.
  31. Shayanfar, M.A., Ghalehnovi.M, Safiey.A, Experimental and analytical study of plain concrete under uniaxial compressive load, 7th International Conference on Civil Engineering , Tarbiat Modarres University, 2006, Tehran , Iran.
  32. Shayanfar, M.A., Rahili.M, Design of reinforced concrete frames according to performance based method using energy concepts and damage indices, 7th International Conference on Civil Engineering , Tarbiat Modarres University, 2006, Tehran , Iran.
  33. Shayanfar, M.A., Rahili.M, Assessment of reinforced concrete frames according to performance based method using energy concepts and damage indices, 7th International Conference on Civil Engineering , Tarbiat Modarres University, 2006, Tehran , Iran.
  34. Shayanfar, M.A., Sadeghiyan.A, Nonlinear three dimensional finite element analysis of masonry stone arch bridges, 7th International Conference on Civil Engineering , Tarbiat Modarres University, 2006, Tehran , Iran.
  35. Shayanfar, M.A., Esmaeili, P. OTATIONAL DUCTILITY DEMAND EVALUATION OF COUPLING BEAMS BY MONTE CARLO SIMULATION, First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September 2006.
  36. Shayanfar, M.A., Rahili, M., PERFORMANCE-BASED DESGIN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE FRAMES USING ENERGY CONCEPTS, First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September 2006.
  37. Shayanfar, M. A., Ansari, M., and Ziaei, M. DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF CONCRETE RAILWAY BRIDGE FOR HIGH SPEED TRAINS, Seventh International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges, Montreal, Canada, August 23-25, 2006.
  38. Shayanfar, M.A., Hajishafiei, H., Study of seismic response of steel moment resisting frames with irregular height mass distribution, Fifth International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering , International Seismic Institute , 2007, Tehran , Iran.
  39. Shakeri, K., Shayanfar, M.A. and Moghadam, A.S. AN EFFICIENT METHOD FOR OPTIMUM COMBINATION OF MODES REQUIRED FOR PUSHOVER ANALYSIS, Ninth Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, June 26-29, 2007.
  40. Shayanfar, M.A., Abyane, R. Effects of Lateral Load Patterns Associated to Higher Modes on Non-linear Static Analysis (Pushover) of Special MRF, Protect 2007, Whistler, Canada, August 20-22, 2007.
  41. Shakeri, K., Shayanfar, M.A. An Innovative Adaptive Pushover Procedure Based on Storey Shear, 2008 Seismic Engineering International Conference, Messina, Italy, July 8-10, 2008.
  42. Shayanfar, M.A., Zarrabian, M.S. Evaluation of RC Bridge Piers Retrofitted using Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP), 2008 Seismic Engineering International Conference, Messina, Italy, July 8-10, 2008.
  43. Shayanfar, M.A., Zarrabian, M.S. COMPARISON OF THE CIRCULAR and Rectangular RC Bridge Piers Retrofitted using Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Jackets, 5th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-V), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, September 22 – 24, 2008.
  44. Shayanfar, M.A., Naderpoor, H., Investigation of Effective Parameters on Structural Reliability of Reinforced Concrete Structures Externally Bonded with FRP Sheets, CSCE 2008 Annual Conference, Québec, Canada, June 10-13, 2008 .  

Technical Reports

English Language Reports
  1. Shayanfar, M.A. and Mirza, M.S. Stress-Strain Curves for Concrete Under Cyclic Loads, Structural Engineering Report No. 94-4, Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1994.
  2. Shayanfar, M.A. ,Kheyroddin, A. and Mirza, M.S.. Finite Element Size Effects on Nonlinear Analysis of Concrete Structures, Structural Engineering Report No. 93-3, Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1993.
  3. Shayanfar, M.A. and Mirza, M.S. Nonlinear Analysis of a Three Bay Frame With Deep Beams, Structural Engineering Report No. 96-4, Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1996.
  4. Shayanfar, M.A. and Mirza, M.S. Nonlinear Analysis of a Retrofitted Three Bay Frame with Deep Beams’, Structural Engineering Reports No. 96-5, Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1996.

Persian Language Reports

  1. Shayanfar, M.A., Development of Nonlinear Finite Element Method in Analysis of RC and Steel Structures, Research Vice Presidency of The Iran University of Science and Technology, 2001, Tehran, Iran.
  2. Shayanfar, M.A. Nonlinear Analysis of Railroad Bridges, Research Vice Presidency of The Iran University of Science and Technology, 2001, Tehran, Iran.
  3. Shayanfar, M.A., Study of seismic vulnerability assessment of reinforced concrete frames with ordinary and medium ductility and their retrofitting, Research Vice Presidency of The Iran University of Science and Technology, 2003, Tehran, Iran.
  4. Shayanfar, M.A., Seismic retrofitting study of sistan and baluchestan state office no.1, an industrial project contract signed between the Bureau of University and Industries Relationships and the Sistan and Baluchestan State, I acted as the director of the project, 2004
  5. Shayanfar, M.A., Study of seismic behavior and retrofitting of reinforced concrete structures using nonlinear finite element method, Research Vice Presidency of The Iran University of Science and Technology, 2006, Tehran, Iran.
  6. Shayanfar, M.A., Nonlinear seismic analysis of piles in offshore structures, Research Vice Presidency of The Iran University of Science and Technology, 2007, Tehran, Iran.
  7. Shayanfar, M.A., Rapid seismic vulnerability assessment of important buildings affiliated to the ministry of interior in five provinces (Sistan and Baluchestan, Hormozgan, Central Khorasan, South Khorasan and North Khorasan, an industrial project contract signed between the Bureau of University and Industries Relationships and the Interior Ministry, I acted as the director of the project, 2007
  8. Shayanfar, M.A., Study of the effects of different lateral load distribution patterns on nonlinear static analysis of moment resisting frames, Research Vice Presidency of The Iran University of Science and Technology, 2008, Tehran, Iran.  

Lecture Notes

  1. Shayanfar, M.A. “Matrix Structural Analysis”, Department of Civil Engineering and Applied
  2. Mechanics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1994.
  3. Shayanfar, M.A. “Strength of Materials”, Department of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2002, Tehran, Iran.
  4. Shayanfar, M.A. “Structural Reliability”, Department of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2000, Tehran, Iran.

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