Dr. Feyzi, Farzaneh

 | Post date: 2014/07/8 | 


           Academic Rank :Professor

           Major :Thermodynamics



            E-mail: feyzi[at]iust.ac.ir

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Personal Information 

  Education and Qualifications

  i) University Degrees

  •   Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Chemical Engineering , Sharif University of Tecnology, 1975-1979
  •   Master of Science (MSc) in Chemical Engineering , Sharif University of Tecnology, 1985-1988
  •   Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemical Engineering , Sharif University of Tecnology, 1992-1997 


 Professor, School of Chemical Engineering , Iran University of Science and Technology, Since March 1988


  Teaching Experiences

  1- Thermodynamics one: undergraduate course in School of Chemical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.

  2- Thermodynamics two: undergraduate course in School of Chemical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.

  3- Advanced Thermodynamics: postgraduate course in School of Chemical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.

  4- Thermodynamics of Nonideal Solutions: postgraduate course in School of Chemical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.

  5- Thermodynamics of specila systems: postgraduate course in School of Chemical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.

  6- Applied Mathematics for Chemical Engineers: undergraduate course in School of Chemical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology and Chemical Engineering Department, Azad University.

  7- Industrial Chemistry one and two: Department of Chemistry, Khaje Nasir University.

  Conference Attendance

  •  Fourth National Chemical Engineering Congress of Iran, Shrif University of Technology.
  •   Fifth National Chemical Engineering Congress of Iran, Shiraz University.
  •   Seventh National Chemical Engineering Congress of Iran, Tehran University.
  •   Eighth National Chemical Engineering Congress of Iran, Fersosi University.
  •  Ninth National Chemical Engineering Congress of Iran, University of Science and Technology.
  •   Tenth National Chemical Engineering Congress of Iran, Systan and Balouchestan University.
  •   First Technical Conferencs of Thermodynamics, University of Esfehan.
  •  Twelfth National Chemical Engineering Congress of Iran, Sahand University.
  •   Sixth Europian Chemical Engineering Congress, Denmark.
  •   Thirteenth Regional Chemical Engineering Congress of Iran, Razi University.
  •   Seventh International Chemical Engineering Congress of Iran, Kish.
  •   Fourteenth National Chemical Engineering Congress of Iran, Shrif University of Technology.


List of journal publications:
* “Modified Peng-Robinson Equation of State for Prediction of PVT and Critical Properties”, F. Feyzi, M.R. Riazi, and S. Ghotbi, Iranian J. of  Science & Technology, Vol. 22, No. 3, Transaction B, 1997, 115-124.
* “Improving Cubic Equations of State For Heavy Reservoir Fluids and Critical Region”,   F. Feyzi, M.R. Riazi, H.I. Shaban, and S. Ghotbi, Chem. Eng. Comm., 167, 1998, 147-166.
* “Accurate Liquid-Volume Calculations for Pure Polar Compounds Using a Volume-Translated Peng-Robinson Equation of State”, C. Ghotbi, B. Behzadi, and F. Feyzi, Scientia Iranica, 7, No. 2, 2000, 115-124.
* “Improving Cubic Equations of State for Polar Fluids”, F. Feyzi, and H.R. Rahdar, IUST-International J. of Engineering Science, 15, No. 2, 2004, 89-96.
* “Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Over Ru Promoted Co/γ-Al2O3 Catalysts in a CSTR”, S.A. Hosseini, A. Taeb, F. Feyzi, and F. Yaripour, Catalysis Comm., 5, 2004, 137-143.
* “Evaluation of Ru-Promoted Co/ γ-Al2O3 Catalysts in Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis in a CSTR”, S.A. Hosseini, A. Taeb, and F. Feyzi, Catalysis Comm., 6, 2005, 233-240.
* “Thermodynamic Modeling of Hydrotrope Solutions”, M. Akya, and F. Feyzi, AIChEJ, Vol. 52, No.1, 2006, 333-341.
* “Purification of  Plasmid DNA with Polymer-Salt Aqueous Two Phase System: Optimization Using Surface Response Methodology”, F. Rahimpour, F. Feyzi, S. Maghsoudi and R. H. Kaul, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 6, No. 4, 2006, 627-637.
* “Optimizing refolding and recovery of active recombinant Bacillus halodurans xylanase in  polymer-salt aqueous two-phase system using surface response analysis”, F. Rahimpour, G. Mamo, F. Feyzi, S. Maghsoudi and R. H. Kaul, Journal of Chromatography A, 1141, 2007, 32-40.
* “A Thermodynamic Model for Wax Deposition Phenomena”, R. Dalirsefat and F. Feyzi, Fuel, 86, 2007, 1402-1408.
* “Effect of Addition of Potassium and Lithium in Pt-Sn/Al2O3 Catalysts For Dehydrogenation of Isobutane”, M. Tasbihi, F. Feyzi, M. A. Amlashi, A. Z. Abdullah, A. R. Mohamed,  Fuel Processing Technology, 88, 2007, 883-889. 
* “An equation of state contribution for dipolar and quadrupolar square-well fluids”, Farzad Alavi and Farzaneh Feyzi, Journal of  Molecular Physics, Vol. 106, No. 1, 2008, 161–174.
* “Group Contribution Prediction of Vapor Pressure with Statistical Associating Fluid Theory, Perturbed-Chain Statistical Associating Fluid Theory, and Elliott-Suresh-Donohue Equations of State”, Fateme Sadat Emami, Amir Vahid, J. Richard Elliott, Jr., and Farzaneh Feyzi, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2008, 47, 8401–8411.
* “Predicting Solubility of Isotactic Poly (1-Butene) in Different Organic Solvents by Modified UNIQUAC Model”, H. Salimnezhad and F. Feyzi, Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 4 (Autumn), 2008, 39-48.
* “Extension of the Elliott-Suresh-Donohue Equation of State to Dipolar Systems”, Farzad Alavi and Farzaneh Feyzi, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2009, 48, 5035–5045.
* “A new approach for long range corrections in molecular dynamics simulation with application to calculation of argon properties”, Ali Asghar Davoodi, Farzaneh Feyzi, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 150, 2009, 33-38.
* Application of the SAFT-VR equation of state to vapor–liquid equilibrium calculations for pure components and binary mixtures using the Sutherland potential”, F. Paragand, F. Feyzi, B. Behzadi, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 290, 2010, 181–194.
* “Crossover Peng-Robinson equation of state with introduction of a new expression for the crossover function”, F. Feyzi, M. Seydi, F. Alavi, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 293, 2010, 251–260. 
* “Simplified local density model for adsorption of pure gases on activated carbon using Sutherland and Kihara potentials”, Meysam Hasanzadeh, Farzad Alavi, Farzaneh Feyzi, Mohammad Reza Dehghani, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 136, 2010, 1–9.
* “A new simple local density model for adsorption of pure gases and binary mixtures”, M. Hasanzadeh, M. R. Dehghani, F. Feyzi, B. Behzadi, Int. J. Thermophysics, 31 2010 2425-2439.   
* “Influence of external electric field on the polarity of water droplets in water-in-oil emulsion phase transition”, Kaveh Rayat, Farzaneh Feyzi, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 375, 2011, 61–67.
* “Prediction of gas hydrate formation condition in the presence of thermodynamic inhibitors with the Elliott–Suresh–Donohue Equation of State”, Hamed Tavasoli, Farzaneh Feyzi, Mohammad Reza Dehghani, Farzad Alavi, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 77, 2011, 93–103.
* “Solubility of light reservoir gasses in water by the modified Peng-Robinson plus association equation of state using experimental critical properties for pure water”, Ali T. Zoghi, Farzaneh Feyzi, Saeed Zarrinpashneh, Farzad Alavi, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 78, 2011, 109–118.
* “Application of ESD and PR+Wong Sandler Mixing Rule Equations of State to Study Methane Hydrate Formation in the Presence of Different Inhibitors”, H. Tavasoli, M. R. Dehghani, F. Feyzi, Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 3 (Summer), 2011, 16-30.
* “Equilibrium Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in a 30 wt.% Aqueous Solution of 2-((2-aminoethyl)amino)Ethanol at Pressures between Atmospheric and 4400 kPa: An Experimental and Modeling Study”, Ali T. Zoghi, Farzaneh Feyzi, Saeed Zarrinpashneh, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 44, 2012, 66-74.
* “Estimation of the Electric Field Strength Required For Breaking the Water-in-Oil Emulsion; a Thermodynamic Approach Considering Droplets Deformation and the Effect of Interfacial Tension”, Kaveh Rayat, Farzaneh Feyzi, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 316, 2012, 156– 163.
* “Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Addition of Amine Activators to Aqueous Solutions of N-Methyldiethanolamine on the Rate of Carbon Dioxide Absorption”, Ali T. Zoghi, Farzaneh Feyzi, Saeed Zarrinpashneh, Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 7, 2012, 12–19.
* “Modeling CO2 Solubility in Aqueous N-methyldiethanolamine Solution by Electrolyte Modified Peng−Robinson Plus Association Equation of State”, Ali T. Zoghi, Farzaneh Feyzi, Mohammad R. Dehghani, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 51, 2012, 9875–9885.
* “Long range corrections to the vapor-liquid equilibrium and surface tension of methane with NVT molecular dynamics simulations”, M. Sheikhabbasi, F. Feyzi, Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 4,  2012, 32-46.
* “The equation of state of flexible chains of tangent hard spheres at high-density region from simulation and thermodynamic perturbation theory”, Farzad Alavi, Farzaneh Feyzi, THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 138, 2013, 024903-1 - 024903-10.
* “Calculation of liquid-liquid equilibrium in polymer electrolyte solutions using PHSC-electrolyte equation of state”, Masood Valavi, Mohammad Reza Dehghani, Farzaneh Feyzi, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 341, 2013, 96– 104.
* “Boyle temperature from SAFT, PC-SAFT and SAFT-VR equations of state”, Samane Zarei, Farzaneh Feyzi, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 187, 2013, 114 –128.
* “A new perturbed-chain equation of state for square-well chains in fluid and solid phases”, Farzad Alavi, Farzaneh Feyzi, THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 139, 2013, 074104-1 - 074104-7.
* “Geological storage of carbon dioxide by injection of carbonated water in an Iranian oil reservoir: A case study”, Mahdi zeinali Hasanvand, Mohammad Ali Ahmadi, Seyed Reza Shadizadeh, Reza Behbahani, Farzaneh Feyzi, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 111, 2013, 170-177.
* “Equilibrium Solubility of Carbon dioxide in Aqueous 2-((2-aminoethyl)amino)Ethanol and N-methyldiethanolamine Solution and Modeling by Electrolyte mPR-CPA EoS”, Ali T. Zoghi, Farzaneh Feyzi, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 67, 2013, 153-162.
* “Thermodynamic Modeling of Water in Oil Emulsions: Implementation for Two Sizes of Droplets”, Kaveh Rayat, Farzaneh Feyzi, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 441, 2014, 758-765.
* “Development of electrolyte SAFT-HR equation of state for single electrolyte solutions”, Azam Najafloo, Farzaneh Feyzi, Ali Taghi Zoghi, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31(12), 2014, 2251-2260.
* “Measuring solubility of carbon dioxide in aqueous blends of N-methyldiethanolamine and 2-((2-aminoethyl)amino)ethanol at low CO2 loadings and modeling by electrolyte SAFT-HR EoS”, Azam Najafloo, Ali T. Zoghi, Farzaneh Feyzi, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 82, 2015, 143–155.  
* “Compositional data calculation of vapor-aqueous-hydrate systems in batch operations by a new algorithm”, Hamed Tavasoli, Farzaneh Feyzi, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 24, 2015, 473-488.
* “Modeling solubility of CO2 in aqueous MDEA solution using electrolyte SAFT-HR EoS”, Azam Najafloo, Farzaneh Feyzi, Ali T. Zoghi, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 58, 2016, 381–390.
* “Experimental Measurement and Thermodynamic Modeling of CO2 Solubility in Aqueous Solutions of Morpholine”, Bahareh Khosravi, Farzaneh Feyzi, Mohammad Reza Dehghani, Shayan Kaviani, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 214, 2016, 411–417.
* “Modification of the Peng-Robinson equation of state for helium in low temperature regions”, Shayan Kaviani, Farzaneh Feyzi, Bahareh Khosravi, Physics and Chemistry of liquids, VOL. 54, NO. 4, 2016, 542–551.  
* “An improved thermodynamic model for Wax precipitation using a UNIQUAC þ PC-SAFT approach”, Reza Bagherinia, Mehdi Assareh, Farzaneh Feyzi, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 425, 2016, 21-30.
* “The effect of asphaltene particle size and distribution on the temporal advancement of the asphaltene deposition profile in the well column”, Mahdi Zeinali Hasanvand, Reza Mosayebi Behbahani, Farzaneh Feyzi, and Seyed Ali Mousavi Dehghani, The European Physical Journal Plus, 2016, 131-150.
* “Solid-liquid equilibrium of n-alkanes using Global-TPT2 equation of state”, Ali Mirzaeinia, Farzaneh Feyzi, Farzad Alavi, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2016, (427), 72-81.
* “Four phase hydrate equilibria of methane and carbon dioxide with heavy hydrate former compounds: Experimental measurements and thermodynamic modeling”, Hamed Tavasoli and Farzaneh Feyzi, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016, 33(8), 2426-2438.
* “Developing grey-box model to diagnose asphaltene stability in crude oils: Application of refractive index”, Mahdi Zeinali Hasanvand, Mohammad Ali Ahmadi, Reza Mosayebi Behbahani, Farzaneh Feyzi, Petroleum, 2016, (2), 369-380.
* “Observations of Sludge Formation in Group I Base Stock for Lubricants and Thermodynamic Modeling with the SAFT Equation of State”, Ehsan Pashai, Mohammad Reza Dehghani Sanij, Farzaneh Feyzi, Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2017, (14), 33-47. 
* “Equation of state and Helmholtz free energy for the atomic system of the repulsive Lennard-Jones particles”, Ali Mirzaeinia, Farzaneh Feyzi, Seyed Majid Hashemianzadeh, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2017, (147), 214503.
* Asphaltene precipitation modeling with PR and PC-SAFT equations of state based on normal alkanes titration data in a Multisolid approach, Yassaman H. Dehaghani, Madi Assareh, Farzaneh Feyzi, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2018, (470), 212-220.
* Liquid–Liquid Equilibrium and Thermodynamic Modeling of Aqueous Two-Phase System Containing Polypropylene Glycol and NaClO 4 at T=(288.15 and 298.15) K, Afshin Hamta, Asma Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza Dehghani, Farzaneh Feyzi, Journal of Solution Chemistry, 2018, (47), No. 1, 1-25.
* Equations of state for the fully flexible WCA chains in the fluid and solid phases based on Wertheims-TPT2”, Ali Mirzaeinia, Farzaneh Feyzi, Seyed Majid Hashemianzadeh, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018, (148), 104502.
* “Detection of solid asphaltene phase separation via viscosity monitoring at high pressure high temperature conditions”, Mahdi Zeinali Hasanvand, Farzaneh Feyzi, Reza Mosayebi Behbahani, Seyed Ali Mousavi Dehghani, Int. J. Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 2018, (19), No. 4, 458-476.
* “Effect of heat stable salt bis-(2-hydroxyethyl) methylammonium formate on CO2 absorption in aqueous methyldiethanolamine solution”, Shaghayegh Alborzi, Farzaneh Feyzi, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019, (281), 376-384.
* “Experimental Study of Density, Viscosity and Equilibrium Carbon dioxide Solubility in Some Aqueous Alkanolamine Solutions”, Ali Rahimi, Ali T. Zoghi, Farzaneh Feyzi, Amir Hossein Jalili, Journal of Solution Chemistry, 2019, (48), No. 4, 489-501.
* “Thermodynamic modelling of wax precipitation using PC-SAFT in a multi-solid framework, Reza Bagherinia, Mehdi Assareh, Farzaneh Feyzi, Int. J. Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 2019, (21), No. 2, 229-249.
* “Response Surface Methodology Applied to Extraction Optimization of Gold (III) by Combination of Imidazolium Based Ionic Liquid and 1-Octanol from Hydrochloric AcidSamira Farzam, Farzaneh Feyzi, Journal of Separation Science and Technology, 2020, 55, 1133-1145.
* Adsorption of dimethyl sulfide from model fuel on raw and modified activated carbon from walnut and pistachio shell origins: Kinetic and thermodynamic study”, Hossein Jalilvand, Farzaneh Feyzi, Mohammad Reza Dehghani, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2020, 593, 124620.
* “Modeling of precipitation considering multi-component form of Asphaltene using a solid solution framework”, Yasaman Hosseinzadeh Dehaghani, Hossein Ahmadinezhad, Farzaneh Feyzi, Mehdi Assareh, Fuel, 2020, 263, 116766.
* “Measuring and modeling equilibrium solubility of carbon dioxide in aqueous solution of dimethylaminoethanol and 3-methylaminopropylamine”, Ali T. Zoghi, Ali Rahimi, Farzaneh Feyzi, Amir Hossein Jalili, Thermochimica acta, 2020, 686, 178565.  
* “A perturbed-chain equation of state based on Wertheims-TPT for the fully-flexible LJ chains in the fluid and solid phases”, Ali Mirzaeinia, Farzaneh Feyzi, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020, 152, 134502.
* “Towards water-insensitive CO2-binding organic liquids for CO2 absorption: Effect of amines as promoter”, Ali Hedayati, Farzaneh Feyzi, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 306, 112938.
* “CO2-binding organic liquids comprised of 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylguanidine and alkanol for post combustion CO2 capture: water inhibitory effect of amine promoters”, Ali Hedayati, Farzaneh Feyzi, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8, 7909-7920.
* “Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modeling of
equilibrium extraction of gold(III) from hydrochloric acid in
1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate” ,
Samira Farzam, Farzaneh Feyzi, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2021, 527, 112839.
* “Extractive desulfurization of dibenzothiophene from normal octane
using deep eutectic solvents as extracting agent”
, Mehran Rezaee, Farzaneh Feyzi, Mohammad Reza Dehghani, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 333, 115991.
* “Effect of ionic liquids in carbon nanotube bundles on CO2, H2S, and N2 separation from CH4: A computational study”, Behnoush Barzega, Farzaneh Feyzi, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2021, 154, 194504.  
* “CO2-binding organic liquids for high pressure CO2 absorption: Statistical mixture design approach and thermodynamic modeling of CO2 solubility using LJ-Global TPT2 EoS”, Ali Hedayati, Farzaneh Feyzi, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 337, 116396.   


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