Dr.Vahidi , Omid

 | Post date: 2014/01/29 | 


           Academic Rank : Assistant

           Major :Design , Simulation and  Process Control  




  google scholar

Personal Information 

Education and Qualifications

i) University Degrees: PhD, Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of British Columbia, May 2013

  ii) MSc, Chemical Engineering, Modeling, Simulation and Control, Sharif University of Technology, Jan 2005

  iii) BSc, Chemical Engineering, Process Design, University of Tehran, Sep 2002

 iv) Sellected Short Course Certificates

  Postgraduate Courses


  Teaching experiences

  - Advanced Mathematics (graduate course), Sep 2013

  - Engineering Software Workshop (undergraduate course), Sep 2013

  Selected Written Works

  ISI papers

  1. A. Zeinali Kalkhoran, O. Vahidi and SM Naghib, “A New Mathematical Approach to Predict the Actual Drug Release from Hydrogels”, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, in press
  2. M. Saeedi, O. Vahidi, V. Goodarzi, M. R. Saeb, L. Izadi, and M. Mozafari, "A new prospect in magnetic nanoparticle-based cancer therapy: Taking credit from mathematical tissue-mimicking phantom brain models," Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, vol. 13, pp. 2405-2414, 2017/11/01/ 2017
  3. M. Saeedi, O. Vahidi, and S. Bonakdar, "Synthesis and characterization of glycyrrhizic acid coated iron oxide nanoparticles for hyperthermia applications," Materials Science and Engineering: C, vol. 77, pp. 1060-1067, 8/1/ 2017.
  4. Z. Amiri, S. Movahedirad, M. Shirvani, and O. Vahidi, "The role of bubble injection characteristics at incipient fluidization condition on the mixing of particles in a gas-solid fluidized bed at high operating pressures: A CFD-DPM approach," Powder Technology, vol. 305, pp. 739-747, 2017
  5. O. Vahidi, K. E. Kwok, R. B. Gopaluni, and F. K. Knop, "A comprehensive compartmental model of blood glucose regulation for healthy and type 2 diabetic subjects," Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, vol. 54, pp. 1383-1398, 2016
  6. S. M. Naghib, M. Rahmanian, K. Majidzadeh-A, S. Asiaei, and O. Vahidi, "Novel Magnetic Nanocomposites Comprising Reduced Graphene Oxide/Fe3O4/Gelatin Utilized in Ultrasensitive Non-Enzymatic Biosensing," Int. J. Electrochem. Sci, vol. 11, pp. 10256-10269, 2016
  7. O. Vahidi, R. Bhushan Gopaluni, and E. Kwok, Detection of Abnormalities in Type II Diabetic Patients Using Particle Filters. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, pp. 1-14, 2015.
  8. O. Vahidi, K. E. Kwok, R. B. Gopaluni and L. Sun, "Developing a physiological model for type II diabetes mellitus,"  Biochemical Engineering Journal, vol. 55, pp. 7-16, 6/15, 2011
  9. F. Ekram, L. Sun, O. Vahidi, K. E. Kwok, and R. B. Gopaluni, “A Feedback Glucose Control Strategy for Type II Diabetes Mellitus Based on Fuzzy Logic”, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol. 90, 6, pp. 1411-1417, 2012
  10. L. Sun, K. E. Kwok, R. B. Gopaluni and O. Vahidi, "Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Metformin for the Treatment of Type II Diabetes Mellitus,"  The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal, vol. 5, pp. 1-7, 2011
  11. O. Vahidi, M. Shahrokhi and A. Mirzaei, "Control of a Fluidized Bed Polyethylene Reactor,"  Iran J. Chem. Chem. Eng. -Int. Engl. Ed., vol. 27, pp. 87-101, FAL, 2008
ISC Papers
  1. M. Saeedi and O. Vahidi, " Induced tissue cell death by magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia for cancer treatment: an in silico study," Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, in press
  1. O. Vahidi, R. B. Gopaluni and K. E.Kwok, "Detection of organ dysfunction in type II diabetic patients," in American Control Conference (ACC), 2011, 2011, pp. 4769-4774
  2. O.Vahidi, K. E. Kwok, R. B. Gopaluni and L. Sun, "Development of a physiological model for patients with type 2 Diabetes mellitus," 2010American Control Conference, pp. 2027-2032, 2010
  3. LinSun, E. Kwok, B. Gopaluni and O. Vahidi, "A feedback glucose control strategy for type II diabetes mellitus," in Advanced Control of Industrial Processes (ADCONIP), 2011 International Symposium on, 2011, pp. 349-352
  4. O.Vahidi, M. Shahrokhi and A. Mirzaei, "Dynamic simulation and control of anindustrial fluidized bed reactor," in CHISA 2006 - 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, August 27, 2006 - August 31,2006, pp. Hexion Specialty Chemicals; Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation; CSCabot; Zentiva; BorsodChem MCHZ
  5. O.Vahidi, M. Shahrokhi and A. Mirzaie, “Modeling and simulation of a polyethylenefluidized bed reactor”, Proceeding of 4th International Conference of ISPST,AUT, Tehran, Iran, Sep. 2005
  6. O.Vahidi, M. Shahrokhi and A. Mirzaie, “Dynamic simulation and control of afluidized bed polyethylene reactor”, Proceeding of 10th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Zahedan, Iran, Nov. 2005
  7. A. Mirzaie, N. Tafi, O. Vahidi, A.Aghili and A. Kiashemshaki, “Scale down of an industrial fluidized bed reactorfor polyethylene production”, Proceeding of 4th International Conference of ISPST,Sep. 2005
  8. O. Vahidi, F. Ekram, K. E. Kwok, R. B. Gopaluniand F. K. Knop, “Improvement of a Comprehensive Physiological Model of BloodGlucose Regulations for Healthy Subjects ”, CSChE 2012, Vancouver, BC, Canada,Oct 2012

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