Abstract: (34017 Views)
Abstract: The objective of this research was to develop a tungsten heavy alloy (WHA) having a
microstructure and properties good enough to penetrate hard rolled steels as deep as possible. In
addition this alloy should not have environmental problems as depleted uranium (DU) materials.
For this purpose a wide spread literature survey was performed and on the base of information
obtained in this survey, three compositions of WHA were chosen for investigation in this research.
The alloys namely 90W-7Ni-3Fe, 90W-9Ni-Mn and 90W-8Ni-2Mn were selected and after
producing these alloys through powder metallurgy technique, their thermal conductivity,
compression flow properties and microstructures were studied. The results of these investigations
indicated that W-Ni-Mn alloys had better flow properties and lower thermal conductivities relative
to W-Ni-Fe alloy. In addition Mn helped to obtain a finer microstructure in WHA. Worth
mentioning that a finer microstructure as well as lower thermal conductivity in this type of alloys
increased the penetration depth due to formation of adiabatic shear bands (ASB) during impact.
Type of Study:
Research Paper |